- There are many responsibilities of the employer regarding hepatitis B vaccination. This includes the responsibility of the employer offering the Hep B vaccine at no cost to any covered employee under the Standard.
- The employee responsibilities vary regarding the hepatitis B vaccination. The employee has the right to decline the vaccination, but also has the right to change their mind and still receive the vaccination at a later date. This is dependent on their occupational role still encompassing occupational risk of exposure.
- The current time duration of successful completion of the hepatitis series consists of three shots in a six month span.
- The term "at no cost" refers to the vaccination being offered without charge to the employee. The employee must be allowed to complete the series during normal working hours. If travel is to occur, this also must not incur any charge to the employee.
If you have any questions at any time regarding the information presented in this tutorial, please contact David Sullivan at 910-916-0688.
(North Carolina Department of Labor (2010). A guide to bloodborne pathogens in the workplace.)
At the completion of this module, please make sure to choose both "Email Score", and "Print Certificate". For compliance, please include your job title after your name. The completed report ("Email Score") is emailed to the OSHA Services coordinator for record keeping, and the printed certificate is for your personal records.
Continue to the next module, "Unit 4- Post Exposure".
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