
What does this all mean??


Due to an increase in the risk of being exposed occupationally to hepatitis B, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and related Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which can cause serious and life-threatening illness, in late 1991,the federal government developed a new standard that requires employers with employees at risk of potentially being exposed to blood and human body fluids.


Due to their mode of transmission, healthcare workers are more susceptible to HBV and HCV risk of exposure. The use of Standard Precautions will reduce this risk. Standard Precautions include proper hand washing, using gloves, and handling all body fluids as if they are contaminated.



If you have any questions at any time regarding the information presented in this tutorial, please contact David Sullivan at 910-916-0688.



(North Carolina Department of Labor (2010). A guide to bloodborne pathogens in the workplace.)