Bloodborne Standard

Fayetteville Technical Community College

Exposure Procedures

On Campus

 Picture of man wearing jacket with security on back

Guidelines for Handling Body Fluids


These are listed in the "Emergency Guide for Illness, Injury and Emergency Response Procedures " Booklet.


Body fluids contain a variety of germs (bacteria and viruses) that may cause infection and disease include bloods, vomit, feces, urine, saliva, nasal and respiratory fluids.


Proper hygiene procedures to follow:

1. Use disposable gloves.

2. Remove body fluids with disposable paper towels. With large amounts, use absorbent agents.

3. Disinfect hard surface areas and non-disposable items with 10% bleach solution.

4. Dispose of body fluids, paper towels and disposable gloves in a sealed plastic bag.

5. Wash hands with soap and running water for at least 10 seconds.


Now test your knowledge! You do not need a minimum score for any of the "Practice Time" Activities. These are to help review the material covered thus far!  

 Practice Time!



If you have any questions at any time regarding the information presented in this tutorial, please contact David Sullivan at 910-916-0688.